Vlad's blog

In programming veritas

Task Manager

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The best way to learn a new framework is to build something with it. I am going to write a series of posts on how to develop Web applications using ASP.Net MVC, and a number of related technologies and libraries:

  • Entity Framework Code First
  • Autofac
  • Automapper
  • Rhino Mocks

The source code is available on CodePlex. The following posts are available at the moment.

In addition to questions related to the use of mentioned technologies will be discussed principles of DDD in designing application architecture, as well as writing unit tests for components of the system.
Task Manager is a small, but a complete application for managing tasks and projects. The user can create a new project or add tasks in the current project.

In order to create new task you must select project from the list of available projects and choose an assignee.

Each user can view a list of your active tasks, as well as a list of all tasks and a list of completed tasks.

Every task has a log.

Users can add their comments to the task.

Written by vsukhachev

December 28, 2011 at 8:18 am

Posted in Development

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